The Foundation For The Pure Spanish Horse Professional Scholarship Won By...
"Howard Peet and his wife Erica, shown here at Fiesta of the Spanish Horse, will soon be on their way to SPAIN as winners of The Foundation's Professional Scholarship. This wonderful opportunity is sponsored by La Yeguada Peña de Bejar, and The Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse. Howard and Erica will be hosted by the excellent breeder Carlos Conesa of Yeguada Peña de Bejar and will be honing their morphologic presentation skills, Spanish riding skills, and even their driving skills. Howard and Erica will be sending us updates of their exciting trip and will also be conducting some clinics and seminars once they return to share their new knowledge." May 5, 2012
A Dream Come True. That is the best way to describe this amazing opportunity. When we were told that we had been chosen to receive The Foundation Professional Scholarship, and that they would be sending us to Spain to learn from some of the best Spain had to offer, we could not contain our gratitude and excitement. And what a fantastic way to keep knowledge coming back to everyone by putting on clinics to share what we have learned! Thank You to.....
The Foundation For the Pure Spanish Horse, who created this amazing scholarship and honored us as its first recipients.
Enchanted Horses...Maria Obrien, who's friendship made it possible for us to be welcomed into Yeguada Pena de Bejar.
Don Jose Conesa & his son Carlos Conesa for hosting us in their home & ranch, and for sharing their time, knowledge, and friendship with us, you are great ambassadors for the PRE and someone we are honored to call friends!
Nourddine El Haouass, head halter trainer, you are amazing with your horses! We learned so much from you and can't wait to get back in front of Spanish judges so we can show off our new skills!
Juan Antonio Martinez, head riding trainer, we truely aspire to be as good on a horse as you are! You shared so much about spanish walk, piaffe and passage, more then we could have ever imagined! We are already practicing our Spanish so that the next time we come out we can pick your brain even more!
Mario, head driver, what a blast to work with the two teams!! Next time Howard's thumb will be better and then he can really have you teach him a thing or two!
Our trip, from May 15 thru May 31, in Puerto Lumbreras, Murcia, Spain, at Yeguada Pena de Bejar;