No ranch could be complete without a trusty dog and some friendly felines! Meet our furry family!
Kal-El the Super Whippet, Toothless - our barn mascot, and Cat King Cole, (AKA Cole) - the house cat.
What a Wonderful Place for Experiencing the fun and beautiful things in life!
Lost but Never Forgotten
Fuego. The ultimate love bug! And everyone who met him agreed. He was as loyal as could be. He put up with our horsey shenanigans. He loved to sun bathe, watch us work, and cuddle at night. You will always be in our hearts! Now go play with Marco and Tigger! 2012-2021
Tigger. Such a character. And the most talkative cat we have ever owned. Bold, adventurous, and loving. He wondered into our lives late one night as a scraggly looking kitten. We didn't intend to own another cat, but he easily made us fall for him! Gone far too soon, you will be missed. 2015-2019
Marco. He was an amazing dog, and was a part of our crazy life for many years. Our constant companion that kept a watchful eye on us as we worked the horses. He will forever hold a special place in our hearts. 2000-2012